Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More Video!!

Week 4 -- Many of you have asked for more Video -- so ask and you shall receive:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars weekend

Finn enjoyed his very first Oscars weekend!!!

On Saturday morning cousin's Kara, David and Max visited us so they could see little Finn for the first time. They came bearing gifts of beautiful tulips and delicious apple cake. Max even helped us wash all of Finn's baby bottles - a total bonus!

On Sunday afternoon Anna-marie stopped by and brought us a large goodie bag of food that will keep us out of the grocery store for at least a week!! Sunday night we watched the Oscars and feasted on Sushi -- something I'd really missed the past 9 months. We were very pleased to see that Slumdog Millionaire won for Best Picture as it was the only movie on the nominations list that we had seen. Now we just need to wait for all the others to come out on NetFlix so we can get caught up!

Tomorrow will mark his first four weeks of his existence! Way to go Goober!!! To celebrate we took him out for a brisk walk using our new Baby Bjorn carrier and we dressed him up in his cute fuzzy bear jacket.

Here are some recent pics and videos to enjoy -- yes we finally captured his adorable smile on film - although very briefly.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well, yesterday was Finn's unofficial birthday: 3 weeks old! Woohoo!! Things around here have remained startlingly sane, even with dad going back to work on Monday. (I admit, I did work from home Tuesday morning and all day today...) However, mom has been great at holding her own with the Goober while dad's away, forming bonds and building alliances I shall doubtless never be able to sunder. Ah well... 

We had another bath tonight, and thought post-bath might be a good opportunity for some new vids.

So, without further ado, a couple new clips to keep folks up to date! Enjoy.

Here he is, all squeaky clean....

And here he is, not cooperating with requests to smile for the camera....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day weekend

The Goober had a great weekend full of visitor's and lots of activities!! On Friday Katherine and Brandon Brown came over and cooked us all a tasty meal! Then on Saturday -- we all celebrated Finn's first Valentine's Day over lunch at Nannie's house with Auntie Lizzie, Grandpa Bill and Nannie! And we finished up the 3-day weekend with a visit from our neighbors, The McKeens. Here are some photos - Enjoy!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

As you can see, Finn had a very busy weekend....
Once he woke up, and Mom got a new outfit on him....
...he had some tummy time on his new mat! (OK, so he's not actually on his tummy in this picture, but he was!) His patience for tummy time is limited at the moment, though he does do some good neck exercises before his fuse burns all the way down. He's much happier once he's on his back, and can flail around his arms and legs to his heart's content. Just wait 'til someone tells him they're actually attached to the rest of his body!
Aunt Peyton and Grannie Diane had a great time ooo'ing and aaa'ing over the Goober on the couch. But Aunt Peyton did decline a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change a diaper. Can't imagine why... (By the way, can anyone remind us what we were thinking buying an off-white couch before having a baby?!?)

And Grandpa David had a great old time telling Finn how much harder it was to enjoy tummy time back in the old days. 

You know, back before tummies. 

And time. 

When the dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Haha, we kid because we love! We had a great ol' time visiting, and particularly enjoyed it when David, Diane and Peyton let us jailbreak out of the house for and hour-and-a-half on Saturday. Granted, we went to Babies-R-Us for diapers and wetwipes, but what a glorious wetwipe run it was!! We had beautiful weather Saturday and Sunday, and even took the Goober for his first walks outside, one a day. He slept through 'em both, but hey!, he was out in the world.


Thanks to Grannie, Grandpa and Aunt P for making the drive down 95. It was great to see you all, and we can't wait 'til we can start making roadtrips up north with the big guy!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Finn is jaundice free!! Woohoo!!

The doctor took one look at his new, pinker shade and pronounced him clean and clear, even going so far as forgoing another blood draw from his foot. Finn was so excited he decided not to pee on the doctor, something he takes great relish in doing to his Dad. SOOO much fun!

He's also now 10lbs 11oz, so back over his birth weight.Way to go Goober! 

Next up? Vaccines in a few weeks! Oh boy!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just wanted to give you all an idea what was up before Finn made his appearance.

Mom's tum was getting bigger and bigger....

And Dad was hanging out out the Monster Jam monster truck rally at the Phone Booth....

How times have changed!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well, the last few days have flown by. Finn's first Snackerbowl was a huge success. Gramma Glenda and Grandpa Dan brought over two kinds of chili, and Gandpa Bill and Auntie Lizzie brought over bison chili and bison short-ribs. Yummy!!

On Monday, Mom and Finn spent some QT with his big brother, Yoda. (Technically, Finn outweighs Yoda by at least 3 lbs, but he was here first!) Yoda loves Finn lots, but he does insist on occasional smooches from Mom.

To celebrate Finn's one-week birthday on Tuesday, we gave him his first bath at home: talk about trauma! I don't know who was scarred more deeply, Mom or Finn. Either way, he survived and now smells squeaky clean again.

Earlier in the day, Finn spent most of the afternoon chasing sunbeams around the living room to relieve his jaundice. We'd hate to have to take him back to the hospital and put him in "the box!" But one of those glow-worm blankets might be kinda cool....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Videos of the first few days

Hi Everyone! Alex has become quite the videographer over the past couple of days and I thought I'd share some of his work with you. These are some of my favorite ones to date. Here is one titled Finn's First Interview:

Here is one from his first day home:

Here is Finn on his 2nd day home:

Here is our Hungry Monster:

Finn's Shoes!

We've also been taking tons of pictures and we wanted to share some of our favorites to date:



Well, here we go... Mags gave birth to Noel Finnegan Cudaback on Tuesday, January 27, 2009, at 5:15 p.m. He weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs, 9 oz, and measured 24 inches from stem to stern.

Mags had a scheduled c-section after the docs became a little concerned by Finn's apparent proportions and the fact that his embryonic fluids seemed a bit low. 

Their concerns about fluid levels turned out to be unfounded, but his predicted ginormousnous was, if anything a little low; they thought he'd be about 9 and 1/2 pounds. Ha!

Being born in the year 2009 and all, we thought the best way for Finn to stay in touch with his fan-base was through blogging. Given his limited vocabulary and relatively modest typing skills to date, Mags and I thought we'd best run it, for now. Maybe someday, if he forgives us for naming it The Goober Report, he'll take over.

In the meantime, we promise to try and keep this place up to date and tidy. Feel free to chime in with comments, questions and bacon recipes. Finn will need plenty of all three!

Oh, and please bear with us.... We're not as technologically savvy as Finn no doubt will be. Blogs are kind of scary (not spiders-scary, but scary!) So while we'll work to put pix and videos up here, forgive us if things seem a little weird and out of order for while!

Love to all...