We are loving this blog - you are putting us to shame with your witty humor. Amelia HATED tummy time and I couldn't stand listening to the screaming - she still figured out how to lift her head just fine. Tummy time still "counts" if you lie him on your chest and have him look at you - that helped Amelia a little... And someone suggested I prop her up on a boppy pillow and that helped a little, too. But still... she hated it. We can't wait to meet Finn :)
We decided to put this blog together to keep everyone up to date on Finn's incredible adventures. Well, so far, his adventures have branched out remarkably from his original mission statement (eating, sleeping and pooping, or E.S.P) but even more incredible adventures there will be! And how will you ever know about them if you don't keep checking back? We can't promise we'll post as frequently or regularly as some, but we'll try to make it worth your while when we do.Hope you enjoy your visit!!
We are loving this blog - you are putting us to shame with your witty humor. Amelia HATED tummy time and I couldn't stand listening to the screaming - she still figured out how to lift her head just fine. Tummy time still "counts" if you lie him on your chest and have him look at you - that helped Amelia a little... And someone suggested I prop her up on a boppy pillow and that helped a little, too. But still... she hated it. We can't wait to meet Finn :)