Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well, yesterday was Finn's unofficial birthday: 3 weeks old! Woohoo!! Things around here have remained startlingly sane, even with dad going back to work on Monday. (I admit, I did work from home Tuesday morning and all day today...) However, mom has been great at holding her own with the Goober while dad's away, forming bonds and building alliances I shall doubtless never be able to sunder. Ah well... 

We had another bath tonight, and thought post-bath might be a good opportunity for some new vids.

So, without further ado, a couple new clips to keep folks up to date! Enjoy.

Here he is, all squeaky clean....

And here he is, not cooperating with requests to smile for the camera....

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see him in person! And LOVE the blog! Keep it up! xoxo! -M
