Monday, March 2, 2009


So, last week was Finn's quasi-birthday, if you're one of those people (and when I say "those people" I really mean "new parents") who like to take every opportunity to celebrate your new child's incredible achievements. 

Like us.

And by quasi-birthday, I mean just that. It wasn't a "birthday" celebrated in the traditional sense, the annual anniversary of the date on which one was born. It was a relatively arbitrary demarkation of Finn's time here with us on the Lodge, and even that arbitrary nature was sort of convoluted...

See, Mags recognized Tuesday, the 24th, as Finn's "birthday," taking into account the strict Mags-ian calendar that recognizes months in only four-week allotments. Then came Friday, the 27th, yet another opportunity to observe the passing of a month in a more traditional, Gregorian sense.

So, short version, Finn celebrated his planetary existence pretty much all week long. Which, if you think about it, is not a bad way to spend 20-25% of your first days on Earth. That existence has lasted for about a month, and we hope it lasts a lot longer than that. I will, I guarantee it, go a little slackjawed at some point down the road when someone asks me how old my son is and expects an instantaneous answer. This will not be a reflexion on how much or how little I love my son, I promise. Rather, it will be a reflexion on the fact that thinking in time units much more specific than a single year is difficult for me and, I dare say, many dudes. 

So don't bust my chops if, when you ask of my 1 month, 2 day, 18 hour and 45 minute old son, "How old is he?" I answer, "Almost one."

The other thing that was really driven home during Finn's birthday week was just how incredibly lucky we've been in the month just recently passed. Both our jobs have afforded us the incredible luxury to stay home and spend time with this remarkable little person we call the Goober. And since I've been back at work, I've been lucky enough to keep working from home at least one or two days a week. Friends and family have been generous almost beyond belief, with their time, with their gifts, with their advice, with their well-wishes, and with their love. Finn has been showered with all of these things, and others, and we cannot tell you how much it means to us that you all have been so amazing and so welcoming to our little boy.

From the bottom of our hearts, and we really do mean this, in the most sincere and genuine fashion, thank you, all of you, for everything. From those of you across the oceans to those of you across the continent, from those of you across state lines to those of you just across the street, thank you, thank you, thank you from the three of us for absolutely every single little thing. You've all been absolutely amazing.

You've meant so much to Maggie and me over the years and it means the world to us that you will so obviously mean that much and more to Finn. He's a lucky guy. 

And we're an extraordinarily lucky family.


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