Friday, March 27, 2009

Finn is 2 months old!!!

Hey Gang!!

Our boy is now 2 months old - Whoohoo!!

We are just starting to feel like we have some sort of a routine now which certainly makes life easier on poor old Mom and Dad. He's not sleeping through the night yet but at least we now know when to expect him to rise.

In the past two weeks we've had all sorts of adventures. We've finally taken him out in public a few times -- to the grocery store, for a stroll in Georgetown and of course - Babies R Us. He's starting to show some personality and cooing seems to be his new favorite thing to do -- that and beating himself in the face.

Below you will find some new videos and pictures of our Star - Enjoy!
Video: Mr. Personality

Video: Its Friday!!

VIDEO: Messy House

Thursday, March 19, 2009

OK, so it's been a while since our last post. Busted.

Finn's been doing very well since our last update, has had more visitors, and has been stabbed three times.

After a couple weeks of evening fussiness (usually from 4 to 8, or so), the Goober seems to be returning to his original, mellow roots. While some proclaimed this general crankiness "colic" I've decided that we'll call it what it really is: baby gas. Yup, Finn is doing his part to contribute to rising CO2 levels, and whatever comes out the other end. Is that methane? That's cows, right? One of our scientific friends will surely know...

Anyway, Finn's great! He got his first round of vaccinations at the doctor's (hence the stabbings), and got all his bits and parts measured and weighed. So far, everything is in the green. Percentile-wise, the breakdown went this way: weight, 100, height, 94, and head, 80. So he's big, long and doesn't have a Stewie head. All good!! 

A word of particular pride: Finn does NOT like going to the doctor. He practices all of his most ear-splitting screeches and does everything he can to let everyone know, for sure, without any doubt, that he is in residence. He hasn't peed on his doctor or any of the nurses yet, but there's time. He's just lulling them into a false sense of security and then, when they least expect it, wham-o! Or whazz-o!! Or whizz-o!!! It'll be awesome....

(It should be noted, in all fairness, that it probably isn't very cool to make your kid go to the doctor on St. Patrick's day. You're talking to the guy who made us dentist appointments on our anniversary however, so go figure.)

Maggie's camp friends ('Ghany-girls all) came by to check him out and all ooo'd and ahhhh'd at how cute he is. Carrie, Elizabeth and Becca all hung out with Finn, holding him and commenting on how well-behaved he was. Little do they know... He's no fool!

Gramma G and Grandfather Morrow, Sir, visited the other day, and Mags and the boy are heading across the river to visit Gramma Liz later today. We've been doing lots of walking around the 'hood of late, and just might go down to the canal-path or the Mall this Saturday if it's nice enough. Spring in D.C. is an excellent time to be a Goober!

Oh, and yes, Finn is participating in this year's March Madness. He has his own bracket, and is pretty positive he's goin' all the way. After all, ya gotta be in it to win it!

In the meantime, enjoy the pix and vids, enjoy the spring in your neck of the woods, and keep on keepin' on!! 

Love ya!

What's THAT.....?????

Could it be....???? A CHEESEBURGER..... ?????


SOOO Good......

The Goober goes to his happy place....

Carrie and the Goober

Elizabeth and the Goober

Becca and the Goober. Becca hates babies. (NOT TRUE!!)

Just chillin' on a Saturday morning.

Wave your arms in the air!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 5

Finn's 5th week was full of activity. Finn had his first BBQ at the Brown's house -- and the Kooman's also came in from out of town for a visit! We were also fortunate to have some crazy weather -- both a snow storm of 7 inches -- and then 3 days of 60-70 degree weather. Crazy!

On a sour note - Finn has a super case of baby acne and has also decided that from 4pm-8pm everyday he's going to be the King of Fuss!! He really has found his vocal cords.

Here are some recent pics and yes another video with yet another smile!!!

Video - push play!

Monday, March 2, 2009


So, last week was Finn's quasi-birthday, if you're one of those people (and when I say "those people" I really mean "new parents") who like to take every opportunity to celebrate your new child's incredible achievements. 

Like us.

And by quasi-birthday, I mean just that. It wasn't a "birthday" celebrated in the traditional sense, the annual anniversary of the date on which one was born. It was a relatively arbitrary demarkation of Finn's time here with us on the Lodge, and even that arbitrary nature was sort of convoluted...

See, Mags recognized Tuesday, the 24th, as Finn's "birthday," taking into account the strict Mags-ian calendar that recognizes months in only four-week allotments. Then came Friday, the 27th, yet another opportunity to observe the passing of a month in a more traditional, Gregorian sense.

So, short version, Finn celebrated his planetary existence pretty much all week long. Which, if you think about it, is not a bad way to spend 20-25% of your first days on Earth. That existence has lasted for about a month, and we hope it lasts a lot longer than that. I will, I guarantee it, go a little slackjawed at some point down the road when someone asks me how old my son is and expects an instantaneous answer. This will not be a reflexion on how much or how little I love my son, I promise. Rather, it will be a reflexion on the fact that thinking in time units much more specific than a single year is difficult for me and, I dare say, many dudes. 

So don't bust my chops if, when you ask of my 1 month, 2 day, 18 hour and 45 minute old son, "How old is he?" I answer, "Almost one."

The other thing that was really driven home during Finn's birthday week was just how incredibly lucky we've been in the month just recently passed. Both our jobs have afforded us the incredible luxury to stay home and spend time with this remarkable little person we call the Goober. And since I've been back at work, I've been lucky enough to keep working from home at least one or two days a week. Friends and family have been generous almost beyond belief, with their time, with their gifts, with their advice, with their well-wishes, and with their love. Finn has been showered with all of these things, and others, and we cannot tell you how much it means to us that you all have been so amazing and so welcoming to our little boy.

From the bottom of our hearts, and we really do mean this, in the most sincere and genuine fashion, thank you, all of you, for everything. From those of you across the oceans to those of you across the continent, from those of you across state lines to those of you just across the street, thank you, thank you, thank you from the three of us for absolutely every single little thing. You've all been absolutely amazing.

You've meant so much to Maggie and me over the years and it means the world to us that you will so obviously mean that much and more to Finn. He's a lucky guy. 

And we're an extraordinarily lucky family.
