Monday, April 22, 2013

Two boys. Two shovels. One wheelbarrow. 

And ten cubic yards of double-shredded hardwood.

Springtime is mulchtime in NoVA!

A fine, fine Saturday...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March Madness

Two reasons for our latest post (well, three....)

One, Finn ate his first ice cream cone. Maybe that's not exactly right. But we caught Finn eating an entire ice cream cone on video for the first time. Interestingly enough (or maybe not), consumption of said cone took exactly 25 minutes. We picked the best two minutes to share....

Two, Finn built his first snow man. It's pretty cool. So we wanted to share the pix...

And three, Finn had his 4 year checkup. All's still good. He's still in the 90th percentile for height (42 inches) and 95th for weight (44 pounds.) They don't measure his head anymore (no idea) but we're pretty sure it's still an enormous melon. We got him a batting helmet for T-ball ('cause the pitchers are nasty!) and had to exchange the official t-ball size for something dad can squeeze most of his not-insubstantial melon into if need be. Shocking, but true.