Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Just a couple quick vids for your viewing pleasure...

Today we began introducing Finn to the gastronomic ecstasy of RICE CEREAL!!

In all honesty, this was NOT his introduction to solid foods; that was last month, when we treated Finn to some delicious sorbet at an anniversary lunch Mom and Dan treated us to. He liked it, he really did. But we may, just possibly, have tainted his palate for other, less exquisite, culinary delights.

As for the rice cereal, he reactions were mixed, to say the least....

Waddaya think, Goober?

Maybe not SO bad....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

He rolled over!!!!!!!

Finn just rolled over for the very first time on his own!!!!!!!!!! We knew it was going to be any day. Watch out World -- here we come!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Goober Just Keeps Growing and Growing and Growing....

So Finn had his four-month checkup yesterday and we just wanted to keep everyone posted on what's what...

He's in excellent health, eczema seems to be under control and he seems to be progressing just peachily. Dr. Martin is pleased with how the Goober seems to be developing and Mom and Dad are getting ready to start transitioning him to sleeping through the night. THAT promises to be exciting....

As for the boy's vitals, well, prepare yourselves...

Weight: 19 lbs. 7 0z.

Height: 27 inches

Head: 17 7/8 inches

Yeah, so, he's off the charts. Literally. Completely across the board. And all without PED's!!

In other news, Finn went for his first ride in his B.O.B. stroller this afternoon. After a brief freak-out, he decided to see what this facing-forward nonsense was all about. Consensus? Big success. Nobody sleeps like that if they're unhappy!

And lastly, we wanted to share some pix that we've been remiss in posting. Some of these are from OBX but some are much older. Apologies to folks who've been waiting patiently for us get our acts together!

Finn sends his love, as do Mom and Dad. Can't wait to see you all soon!

Finn with Great Uncle Jeff

Remind you of anyone?!? PG-Cinco, maybe?

Pull my finger!


Nighttime on OBX

Finn and his best buddy

There're scofflaws everywhere! Silly Yertle...

Ready for the beach!

Our little Smilodon...